Recently while completing my library shelving duties, I came across "Jane Austen's Little Advice Book" compiled by two distinguished female fans. Stopping myself from reading the whole thing right there, I checked it out to bring home and share. I chose a few areas I felt particularly applied to me and those in my similar stage of life and demographic, that of a single woman supporting herself through college and the intricacies of the dating world.
On the Ideal Man:
"All I want in a man is someone who rides bravely, dances beautifully, sings with vigor, reads passionately, and whose taste agrees in every point with my own".
~Sense and Sensibility
I would contentedly agree with all these points save the last one.
On Men Being Not That Big of a Deal:
"What are men to rocks and mountains?"
~Pride and Prejudice
I would preface this with, "When men are being insensitive and difficult and one wishes to be apart from them for a time". Not to be applied to all times because there is no denying that snuggling with that certain man in one's life is far preferable to rocks and mountains.
On Women's Loyalty:
"All the privilege I claim for my own sex...is that of loving longest, when existence or when hope is gone".
Unfortunately this very principle is why we have so many battered woman remaining with their abusive spouses for atrociously too long. On a happier note this is the part of us that can outlast the impatience of men and convince them to stick with us and be happy forever!
On the Attractiveness of Men You've Broken Up With
"She became jealous of his esteem, when she could no longer hope to be benefited by it. She wanted to hear of him, when there seemed the least chance of gaining intelligence. She was convinced that she could have been happy with him, when it was no longer likely that they should meet".
~Pride and Prejudice
I wholeheartedly agree and admittedly do and feel the same way after breakups no matter who broke it off. It is because of this that I am grateful to have never dated anyone in my ward or complex. Proximity is a killer for me and probably for most women trying to get over men. Ironically I find it almost harder to get over it when it was my idea in the first place....pondersome...
On the Enduring Double Standard
"...loss of virtue in a female is irretrievable...one false step involves her in endless ruin...her reputation is no less brittle than it is beautiful...she cannot be too much guarded in her behavior towards the undeserving of the other sex".
~Pride and Prejudice
Thankfully this does not apply as much to us in the context of gender as it once did in earlier times however reputation regardless is something to remember when carrying out risking actions in any environment or company.
On Love as Just Plain Craziness:
"There is nothing people are so often deceived in, as the state of their own affections."
~Northanger Abbey
How true this is. No argument, addendum, or preface necessary.
On Never Judging People by Appearances:
"Varnish and gilding hide many stains".
How often I have learned this lesson may I never know, for it would surely shock me.
On Why You Shouldn't Dump Your Girlfriend When You Get a Boyfriend:
"Friendship is the finest balm for the pangs of despised love".
to be continued...
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